Human and Plant health
Join us as Seb Venaille and Daniel Kittredge discuss human and plant health in the modern world.

Movement Module: Biomechanics, Epigenetics and Hormesis.
This one day seminar covers the movement module of wellness. Biomechanics viewed through the lens of Ancestral health: epigenetics and hormesis. Units include a fundamentals unit where we review the sciences of epigenetics and hormesis, and introduce the concepts of Ancestral health and Re-wilding. Unit two covers Feet, shoes, and barefooting. Unit three covers Pillows and mattresses and what we can prescribe to patients with back or neck pain. Unit 4 covers Furniture and posture at home and at the work place.
Registration Form
Please fill out the form and let us know which event you are interested in attending. Once we receive your registration we will get in touch to confirm the details.