Dare to go nude?!

Barefoot shoes and foot rehabilitation.

Fill out the form below and access to our free guide:

How to go barefoot for stronger healthier feet.

Why go barefoot?

Moving through your day barefoot or in minimalist shoes falls under the Movement Pillar of our Ancestral Health course content.

By ridding your feet of foot cages, you will immediately start to improve your daily movement profile.

By gradually re-introducing your feet to their natural environment (the ground outside) your brain will have better afferentation to it’s sensory motor cortex, you will have better mobility in the joints of your feet, less impact in the joints of your knees, hips and back, better loads in the bones of your feet which improves bone density and the list goes on! All these claims are science based and discussed in great detail in unit two of our Movement module.

Shoes are a supportive device. Anything that is doing work for you, means the muscles and ligaments that are meant to be doing the work are getting weak from lack of use.

By gradually transitioning to less supportive footwear.. or even barefoot, we can rehabilitate our feet to their full potential.

Our PDF can be used to educate clients on the reasons why minimalist shoes are beneficial and provides them with a step by step guide on how to transition safely to avoid injuries.

“For a man who wears shoes - the world is socks.”